Ultimate GPS Tracking Solutions and IoT in Mauritius


How Startouch Speed Limiter can reduce the number of Fatal Accidents in Mauritius

Startouch Speed Limiter can help to reduce the number of Fatal Accidents in Mauritius Despite the sensitization campaigns and measures to reduce the number of accidents and deaths, the deathtoll is still high. More than 300 people have lost their lives due to road accidents since 2017. According to Statistics […]

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Benefits of speed limiter to Mauritian motorists

Speed limiter is a device which prevent a vehicle to exceed a specified speed. It has been demonstrated that lower speed variance leads to fewer crashes. As such, speed limits help to decrease crashes, accidents and body injuries. Therefore, the use of speed limiter is important as speed itself is […]

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Wialon and BusOkay for Indian Students

Wialon and BusOkay project for Indian students India’s partner of Gurtam, Alba Smart, has been introducing security systems in private and governmental institutions for 30 years. While working with schools, the company observed how buses transported students and was totally disappointed with the circumstance. As an integrator and developer, the […]

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Offender monitoring in Mexico using Wialon

The benefits of Wialon in Offender monitoring and to control tax in Mexico Although, they are reducing fund, it costs the penitentiary system in Mexico US $1 billion per year. Citizens challenge the soundness of such costs. Pilot programme

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